The Second Boer War
The second Boer War was the time between 1899 and 1902 when the Boers of Transvaal and the Orange Free State rebelled against the members of the British Empire. It ended with the British victory, which resulted in the creation of the Union of South Africa. The Boers, Dutch speaking farmers in South Africa, had held a grudge against the British due to the oppressiveness or the British. The most important people on the Boer side were Paul Kruger, the leader of Transvaal, Christiaan de Wet, and important leader of the guerrilla portion of the war, along with many other military and political leaders. On the British side, there was Lord Kitchener, Alfred Miner (who was partially responsible for the start of the war), and Cecil Rhodes. Overall, it was not a very successful revolt, as the British ended up gaining more control over the Boers, but it was a very brave action by the Dutch South Africans.
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